Behind the Music: The Making of INRI by The No Longer

This podcast is an audio commentary documenting the 2.5 year process of writing and recording The No Longer's rock opera.

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Sunday Apr 16, 2017

In the final episode of the Making of INRI podcast, the band describes the satisfaction of tying all of the individual elements together to bring about a climactic ending to their rock opera. 

Saturday Apr 15, 2017

In the penultimate episode of the podcast, the band discusses the divine appointment that allowed them to invite an old friend to participate in the project, connecting their musical past to the present. 

Friday Apr 14, 2017

In this episode, the band goes back to where it all began and discuss a song Geoff wrote when he was 15 and how including it on the rock opera brought their musical career full circle. 

Thursday Apr 13, 2017

In this episode, the band discusses the very first song written specifically for the rock opera and how Geoff's vision for the project became clear to Nick and Luke through the original demo of Blood on My Hands. 

Returning to Our Roots: Thrice

Wednesday Apr 12, 2017

Wednesday Apr 12, 2017

In this episode, the band discusses the pre-written songs that inspired the project and the satisfaction of being able to record them again the right way.

Tuesday Apr 11, 2017

In this episode, the band discusses the difficulty of finding the right way to deliver a song so that it conveys the appropriate emotion, while also moving the story along. In this instance, the song bears little resemblance to the original demo.

Monday Apr 10, 2017

In this episode, the band discusses experimentation and the different approaches they used in writing for the rock opera. Specifically, writing for other people, and establishing the rhythm section before the melody. 

Sunday Apr 09, 2017

In this episode, the band discusses exploring songwriting from the perspective of each person in the story and how they wanted to emphasize their personal relationships with Jesus rather than from an outside observer's/narrator perspective.

Saturday Apr 08, 2017

In this episode, the band discusses the challenge of including enough source material while not having too many songs. Luke and Geoff share their reactions to hearing Nick's demos of three different songs combined into one epic finale. 

Friday Apr 07, 2017

In this episode, the band discusses exploring other musical genres, Geoff's attempt at writing a rap, and introducing additional characters into the story. 

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